Referee Courses

Referee Course Information


  • All referee courses are administered through an online system: Refcentre (by E2E Soccer)
  • New referees will take either a ‘Mini’ or an ‘Entry Level’ course, which can be found here
  • Existing referees will take any or all of - refresher, conversion or upgrade courses. These can be found by logging in to your Refcentre account here
  • If your district wants to host a referee course, email Referee Development Officer
  • If you are a club/community/zone who wishes to host a course, please contact your district for the necessary information.
  • If you are having trouble registering for a course, or logging in to your Refcentre account, send us an email, or phone 780-378-8104 or 1-866-250-2200 (Toll-free)


Mini Level 

An introductory course for people 12 years and older (on or before May 15th), who would like to referee U9 and younger only. As of 2020, all Mini Referee courses will include Assistant Referee training.

The cost per student for the course will be determined by the hosting organization.

The Mini course covers:

  • Referee duties and responsibilities
  • The Rules of Mini Soccer.
  • Onfield practical training
  • Basic Offside for Assistant Referees
  • Assistant Referee Calls and Signals

Students are supplied with - 7 v 7 Rules of Mini Soccer, referee badge and whistle.

Mini courses usually run in the spring, in preparation for the outdoor season, but occasionally are run at other times of the year.



Entry Level 

n introductory course for people 14 years or older (on or before May 15th), who would like to referee U11 8v8, U13 and older 11v11, or act as an assistant referee (linesman) at any level.

The cost per student for the course will be determined by the hosting organization.

The course covers:

  • Referee and Assistant Referee duties and responsibilities
  • The FIFA Laws of the Game (11v11 soccer)
  • U11 8v8 Rules of the Game
  • Onfield practical training

Students are supplied with -

  • FIFA Law Book
  • U11 8v8 Rule Book
  • Referee badge and whistle
  • Yellow and red cards, referee wallet

Note - some districts or clubs supply additional items, such as referee uniforms, assistant flags etc

After successfully completing the course, referees are classified as follows:

14 and 15 years old = Youth Referee

16 years and older = District Referee

Please note that the course fee includes the first year’s registration fee for the referees.

Entry Level courses usually run in the spring, in preparation for the outdoor season, but occasionally are run at other times of the year.




For existing 11v11 referees (not mini referees), there are two types of indoor soccer conversion courses available, depending on what style of indoor soccer is played in your part of the province.

  • Arena (boarded) Conversion - is a one day course, designed to teach the Rules of Indoor Soccer, as well as provide practical on-field training.
  • Futsal Conversion - is a one day course, designed to teach the Futsal Laws of the Game,
    as well as provide practical on-field training.

Both courses usually run in early fall, in preparation for the indoor season.

To sign up for a Conversion Course, log in to your Refcentre account at - - and use the ‘Registration’ menu.

Note - ‘Mini’ referees should contact their local assignor regarding indoor soccer.




For existing 11v11 referees (not mini referees), there is a mandatory refresher course prior to the start of the outdoor and indoor seasons.

  • Referees first take an online quiz, and then attend a three hour session, which may include class and/or field time.

Log In to your Refcentre account to search for Refresher Courses. (use the Registration menu)

Note - you must have paid your registration for the current year, and must complete the Refresher Questionnaire,
prior to signing up for a Refresher Course.

Note - ‘Mini’ referees should contact their local assignor regarding a refresher course.




Referees with one or more years of experience, can sign up for an upgrade course.

Click here for details



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