ASA Pathway & Policies

Laws and Rules

IFAB Laws of the Game 2023-24

Futsal Laws of the Game 2022-23

7v7 Mini Soccer Rules

8v8 Modified Soccer Rules

The Rules of Indoor Soccer (Boarded) 2024-25

The Rules of Indoor Soccer - Modified Boardless 7v7 and 9v9


ASA Policies

Referee Code of Conduct

Air Quality Monitoring Guidelines 

Concussion Protocol & Policy, including Pocket Concussion Recognition Tool (January 2019)

Policy on Insulin Pumps

Law 4 - Player Equipment letter (jerseys) - To all referees

Field Safety Checklist

Extreme Heat Event (EHE) Activity Guide


Development Guides and Documents

Entry Level New Referee Guide

Mini New Referee Guide



The “Pathway” that referees can follow - all the way from Mini soccer to the World Cup!

It will take between 10 to 20 years to move from a Mini, Youth or District to a FIFA referee, and it takes a lot of hard work along the way! You can of course, move at your own pace; and, if you wish to remain at any level, that is fine, too. However, the experience and rewards you gain will be priceless. Who knows? Someday, you could be refereeing the FIFA World Cup Final!

If you require any additional information, please feel free contact Alberta Soccer by email ( or phone (780-378-8110)

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