Alberta Summer Games
Coaches for Zone 7 have been selected!
Player Tryout Registration now open!
Boys and girls born between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2010, are eligible to participate in the soccer portion of the Alberta Summer Games!
This event will be held from July 20th to July 23rd in Okotoks and Black Diamond.
Players can register for tryouts using the following link:
Please note that Lakeland players should register in the package for Zone 7 - North East.
- A small tryout fee may be collected to offset the cost of facility rentals for tryouts.
- Players will need to be registered for the outdoor season prior to attending tryouts - otherwise a fee of $20 is payable by the player for insurance purposes.
- Once selected for the team, players will attend a training camp.
- Players participating in a zone tryout will receive an Alberta Soccer participation tee shirt.
Visit the tournament website for more information: